Media Properties And Revenue Generation


Media Properties And Revenue Generation

For a sports entity the NBA is perfect example to use when it comes to using online media outlets. It is of course not the only sports entity out there to do so, however they are definitely making a clear presence. In the picture posted above you can see a Television set powering the Apple T.V as well as a computer. Both of these devices are hooked up the Internet. Which is what this image above is representing, the online world and media. The biggest media outlet out there is World Wide Web, even though it’s a specific one overall. The image focuses more on the online outlet that consists applications on products that are Internet enabled(specifically the Apple T.V). Now that this media outlet has been identified it is time, to understand, how a sports entity such as the NBA generates revenue from it. To start off specifically with the Apple TV, it is a device that absolutely must be connected to the Internet in order to work. It also comes with a built in NBA app (the logo alone you forced to look it is publicity) this application is completely free and provides users with the ability to view game highlights which is always brought to you by specific sponsor, which is one way it generates revenue. Another way this application generates revenue, is that it gives you the option to purchase the ability to purchase game coverage via web streaming, when before the only option people had was via your cable provider (which is a second way it generates revenue) The third way this application generates money is via its major link that reads “NBA on iTunes” which is an online virtual store, where NBA fanatics can by footage of older games, playoff games and other video footage dealing with all things NBA.

Evolution Of Media

 It is constantly advancing and changing, leaving major companies to catch up. I believe that media outlets and a variety of social media sites , will continue to grow and new ones will develop over the years, including technologies that we may have yet to hear about. I predict that as the years go by we will see more partnerships in companies as I believe it is a current trend. Users with sprint phones have access to NBA league Pass at a discounted price. The Direct TV NFL offers the Sunday Ticket to its users. It seems this strategy changes the game and drives people to different types of outlets with different companies.

Chicago Black Sox

It seems as if the MLB has no control over the league and is sinking to the middle of the ocean. Baseball is supposed to be Americas pass time, it doesn’t seem like it will for long. We have steroids and banned substance abuse, that are creating false records and are making players being idolized wrongfully so, because they didn’t do it the right way. However these types of incidents are unacceptable but difficult to completely put an end to. What it is truly unacceptable is what we have witnessed in baseball today. I’m not saying steroid use can ever or will be justified in the world of competition. However these players that do so, do it with the intention of being better and more athletic, so that they could have an advantage on their opponent. Which is cheating and completely wrong, but these players had a win at all cost mentality. What we saw in the World Series is the worst of the worst. Players from the Chicago White Sox lost the game intentionally. Which is a lack of respect for themselves, their families and all the fans. They took money from gamblers to throw the game. Not only that in the long run this is critical blow to the league, that could potentially make the MLB go bankrupt and lose a portion of its fan base. The players accused for throwing away the biggest game of their entire lives, have been served justice. They have been banned from the league for life after selling their dignity to some gamblers. The World Series was won by the Cincinnati Reds, and respectfully so. The good team won even though the bad team didn’t care about building a legacy and winning the World Series. The Chicago White Sox of the 1919 World Series will go down in history as the Chicago Black Sox.

About me

Gulf Coast League Astros

Gulf Coast League Astros (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: The logo of the Dallas Cowboys.

English: The logo of the Dallas Cowboys. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Texas On My Mind

Texas On My Mind (Photo credit: i heart him)

Spurs logo 2002–present

Spurs logo 2002–present (Photo credit: Wikipedia)















My name is Dionisio Saenz, but I go by “Nicho”. I’m a twenty one year old from Brownsville Texas. Born and raised a Texan, I was born a San Antonio Spurs fan as well as a Cowboys, Rangers, Texans, Mavericks, Rockets and Astros fan. I always considered my self a Texas (not Texans) fan over everything. However that does mean I’m biased against any profesional sport organizations that are not From Texas. I’m a sports fanatic with a love and passion for the game, over everything. I’m also very oriented with what is going on in the sports world specifically the Nba. I hope you enjoy this blog for it is what I love and have a passion for, which is sports and its society. I”m currently pursuing a bachelors degree in Sports Marketing and Media with the ambition and hopes of one day landing on job in this fascinating and exhilarating industry. My dream is to be the marketer in sports organization in my home state of Texas, But I would thrilled and honored to work with any other organization across the U.S that shares the same excitement and passion for the game, as I do.