Media Properties And Revenue Generation

Media Properties And Revenue Generation

For a sports entity the NBA is perfect example to use when it comes to using online media outlets. It is of course not the only sports entity out there to do so, however they are definitely making a clear presence. In the picture posted above you can see a Television set powering the Apple T.V as well as a computer. Both of these devices are hooked up the Internet. Which is what this image above is representing, the online world and media. The biggest media outlet out there is World Wide Web, even though it’s a specific one overall. The image focuses more on the online outlet that consists applications on products that are Internet enabled(specifically the Apple T.V). Now that this media outlet has been identified it is time, to understand, how a sports entity such as the NBA generates revenue from it. To start off specifically with the Apple TV, it is a device that absolutely must be connected to the Internet in order to work. It also comes with a built in NBA app (the logo alone you forced to look it is publicity) this application is completely free and provides users with the ability to view game highlights which is always brought to you by specific sponsor, which is one way it generates revenue. Another way this application generates revenue, is that it gives you the option to purchase the ability to purchase game coverage via web streaming, when before the only option people had was via your cable provider (which is a second way it generates revenue) The third way this application generates money is via its major link that reads “NBA on iTunes” which is an online virtual store, where NBA fanatics can by footage of older games, playoff games and other video footage dealing with all things NBA.

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