Chicago Black Sox

It seems as if the MLB has no control over the league and is sinking to the middle of the ocean. Baseball is supposed to be Americas pass time, it doesn’t seem like it will for long. We have steroids and banned substance abuse, that are creating false records and are making players being idolized wrongfully so, because they didn’t do it the right way. However these types of incidents are unacceptable but difficult to completely put an end to. What it is truly unacceptable is what we have witnessed in baseball today. I’m not saying steroid use can ever or will be justified in the world of competition. However these players that do so, do it with the intention of being better and more athletic, so that they could have an advantage on their opponent. Which is cheating and completely wrong, but these players had a win at all cost mentality. What we saw in the World Series is the worst of the worst. Players from the Chicago White Sox lost the game intentionally. Which is a lack of respect for themselves, their families and all the fans. They took money from gamblers to throw the game. Not only that in the long run this is critical blow to the league, that could potentially make the MLB go bankrupt and lose a portion of its fan base. The players accused for throwing away the biggest game of their entire lives, have been served justice. They have been banned from the league for life after selling their dignity to some gamblers. The World Series was won by the Cincinnati Reds, and respectfully so. The good team won even though the bad team didn’t care about building a legacy and winning the World Series. The Chicago White Sox of the 1919 World Series will go down in history as the Chicago Black Sox.

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