About me

Gulf Coast League Astros

Gulf Coast League Astros (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: The logo of the Dallas Cowboys.

English: The logo of the Dallas Cowboys. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Texas On My Mind

Texas On My Mind (Photo credit: i heart him)

Spurs logo 2002–present

Spurs logo 2002–present (Photo credit: Wikipedia)















My name is Dionisio Saenz, but I go by “Nicho”. I’m a twenty one year old from Brownsville Texas. Born and raised a Texan, I was born a San Antonio Spurs fan as well as a Cowboys, Rangers, Texans, Mavericks, Rockets and Astros fan. I always considered my self a Texas (not Texans) fan over everything. However that does mean I’m biased against any profesional sport organizations that are not From Texas. I’m a sports fanatic with a love and passion for the game, over everything. I’m also very oriented with what is going on in the sports world specifically the Nba. I hope you enjoy this blog for it is what I love and have a passion for, which is sports and its society. I”m currently pursuing a bachelors degree in Sports Marketing and Media with the ambition and hopes of one day landing on job in this fascinating and exhilarating industry. My dream is to be the marketer in sports organization in my home state of Texas, But I would thrilled and honored to work with any other organization across the U.S that shares the same excitement and passion for the game, as I do.